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Amara Bouquet


Introducing the Amara Bouquet, a luxurious arrangement of fresh flowers featuring vibrant pink and red blooms, perfectly paired with a sleek black box for a striking presentation. This elegant floral creation is designed to elevate any celebration, from birthdays to anniversaries, or simply as a thoughtful gesture to show someone you care. Available exclusively at La Fraise Rose, Vancouver’s premier chocolate shop, the Amara Bouquet makes a memorable gift for loved ones or an indulgent treat for yourself. With same-day delivery in Vancouver, gifting has never been easier. Add a touch of beauty and sophistication to your special moments with the Amara Bouquet—the ultimate expression of love, joy, and elegance. Order now for seamless gifting!



- Black box

- 6 fresh red roses & seasonal flowers such as mums, carnations

- How to care card

- Custom message if needed


Where to buy fresh flowers?

Vancouver florist La Fraise Rose offers flower delivery to all cities within the lower mainland, with same day flower delivery if ordered by 12pm (dependant on stock availablity, please call to confirm) Free flower delivery within lower mainland for orders over $150.


How to care:

- For hand-wrapped bouquets, remove from packaging & place in vase with clean water. 

- For buckets, vases, or basket arrangements, keep in original packaging.

- Keep in room temperature, away from extreme heat or cold.

- Water every few days.


Read our FAQ for commonly asked questions.



*As every arrangement is hand-made and one of a kind, no two can look exactly the same.

*Designer may substitute florals dependant on stock availability or seasonality.

*This is a Fresh Flower Arrangement*

Amara Bouquet

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  • Please provide recipient's name, phone number & delivery address in the shipping info on checkout and your full details for billing.

  • Monday to Saturday: 11am - 4pm

    Sunday & Holidays: Closed

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